History Loves Big Beams

We like BIG BEAMS and we cannot lie.

If you’re up for a little adventure this week, make your way to Lamy’s. Yeah, that’s right, we’re inviting you to come check out our wood. Hold on, let’s rephrase that so we don’t get anyone hauled off in cuffs. But hey, you know what they say about publicity, right? Any kind works for us. Anyway, let’s move on.

Now, we know it sounds a bit odd, but trust us, you’ll want to see what we’re talking about. Brace yourselves, because we’re talking about the beastly beam that’s still holding strong in the floor at Southern Maven. Yeah, this bad boy was the MVP that propped up the water tower, the one that powered those legendary sewing machines churning out Levi’s jeans. Impressed yet? You should be.

Let’s talk water towers. Not to be confused with the epic movie, Water Boy. Adam Sandler, are we right? Anyway, we digress. Water towers have been around in some form since ancient times. But let’s fast forward to the mid-19th century when water towers got all fancy and pressurized. Steam pumping was the rage, and pipes that could handle some serious pressure were a thing.

No, we don’t have our old water tower anymore, but damn, that wood’s been here for over a century. You might’ve sauntered right by it during your recent shopping visits, but hey, it’s time you gave it a proper gawk. And don’t do it alone, alright? Get your pals, because we firmly believe that massive wood is best admired in good company. Bring your posse and strut into Lamy’s. We’ve heard rumors that history loves a good crowd.

Speaking of beams, the one and only P!NK is back and touring in the United States currently. She even ventured close to our great state…but stayed in the cornfields of Omaha as she poured out her infamous, “Beam Me Up” to a sold-out crowd last week.

Are you a P!NK fan? Well, guess what? We’ve got some of her best albums on vinyl right here inside Josey Records. No need to get lost in a field of corn…just venture right across the tracks where it’s cleaner (not to mention about 100 degrees cooler). Can’t wait to listen? We don’t blame you. It’s basically the entire reason we added a listening station.

You’ve got excuses. We’ve got answers. Bring a friend. No one likes to listen alone. Plus, P!NK and history love company.